There’s still time to register for the 36th Annual Adoption Conference, held on Sunday, November 20.
We have such a great program set up for YOU this year at the Adoption Conference. Hear from exerts in the adoption field, network with other adoptive parents, find out just WHAT is happening in the world of adoption – all in one place! Join the largest adoptive parents’ conference on the East Coast, don’t miss this opportunity.
Here are just a few of the workshops being offered at this year’s conference.
A Comprehensive Approach to Adoption Advertising – Joseph Driscoll
With all of the advertising options facing hopeful adoptive parents, where do you begin? We will discuss traditional and online advertising media including: where to advertise, finding media outlets, and setting a budget. We will help you develop a comprehensive advertising program that will maximize your reach and budget.
Staying Sane While Parenting The Wiggler, The Talker, The Aggressor, and The Runner – Mike Berry
Many of our kids come from traumatic backgrounds and often have very challenging behavior as a result. In this session, we will walk through steps to help you keep your cool while parenting your children. Join a fellow foster/adoptive parent as we explore a simple and proven plan for parenting through trauma.
What’s Going On In There: Understanding Your Baby’s Non-Verbal Language – Jennifer Greisbach, LCSW
This workshop will focus on understanding nonverbal communication between you and your baby and inform your ideas of how to parent your child. You will be introduced to new ways of being with your baby that can be particularly helpful for parents concerned about bonding and attachment or dealing with developmental delays.